Every single technology that has been around for years has periods of deprecation, this is a natural as technology and times change and needs change. Even solid products that have been around for 10+ years have deprecation cycles, and they should. Businesses cannot support products with little usage forever economically.

AWS deprecating services is a good thing. Done well it doesn't erode confidence in choosing AWS or AWS services. Teams should be evaluating every choice they make for what they build their product on top of, and AWS is an excellent choice. Their recent push to charge more for deprecated/out of date products and services is a very good incentive system for their customers. Instead of a one time deep cut, I'd rather see communication and transparency.

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I went from supporting an enterprise AWS tenant to supporting a GCP one a few years ago and I remember be struck by how much I took for granted that AWS would have a managed service for pretty much anything (e.g. Kafka) compared to GCP. As far as CodeCommit, AWS foisted a CodeCommit-based solution on us for managing security and IAM policies. I could probably write a novel length rant about AWS account management problems- don’t know how large enterprises do it.

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On top of those deprecations, there is also a bunch of features (not services) that AWS rebrands as "classic" (many are within the Sagemaker product galaxy).

Some, however, were valuable, for instance because of their business model (you pay Sagemaker experiment based on how many data you put in there.. but the newest MLFlow managed service is charged by the hour).

It's a pity they don't make fix missing critical features before they decide that a product won't get traction.

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