Can you explain this? This sounds highly bias!

IBM has become such a shadowy afterthought1 that I don’t think too many people have strong feelings about them anymore

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Clearly Forrest can speak for himself, but as a fellow reader, your comment caught my attention. My two cents. Forrest's take here is not bias. He's reflecting the general (lack of) feeling that the IT population has about IBM.

Who are they these days? What do they do, exactly? They aren't the world-dominating powerhouse they made their name on a half-century ago. They aren't market-leading these days at...anything, really. What service would I go to IBM for? What product does IBM sell where, when I think of that product category, I think of IBM first? What is IBM's identity? What is their brand? Who is Big Blue in 2024? Why do they matter?

Despite IBM being a multi-billion dollar player, I have no ready answers. That's not because there aren't answers, but because IBM lives in the shadows cast by dozens of other tech behemoths.

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I don't know your experience so I'm not going to criticize but answer from my point of view and years of expertise. "What product does IBM sell where, when I think of that product category, I think of IBM first". IBM MQ (pls pls don't try to say RabbitMQ is just as good, don't go there .. ), DB2, WebSphere Integration Stack, Open Sourced OpenLiberty which is the base of microprofile.io, MQTT which is the default communication protocol for IoT, Quantum Computing with a great Developer Experience platform for it. Apache Openwhisk, Apache Tuscany (SCA) .. and I could go on. I have worked across many industries like Insurance, Media, Banking, Airlines, Hotels .. they all have IBM products as Gold standard for messaging, databases, integration tools or supercomputers.

"IBM lives in the shadows cast by dozens of other tech behemoths". They are focusing on other aspects, like Hybrid and on-prem, and they sell their products on the other clouds too .. because they were too late to the cloud game, and recognized their strength lays somewhere else.

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