I sense a bit of elitism and arrogance in Steve’s post- “if you go to my posh uni you are senior”. This sense of entitlement is the reason most Faang companies are so uniform culturallly- they hire from the same 5–10 universities.

Regards the ai threat - give it a few years. Most of them trained on stack overflow etc, and that well is drying up as people realise their free work is being stolen and sold off without their permission.

Already I see LLMs making mistakes and hallucinating when you use any technology from the last 1-2 years. They are great only if you stick to really popular techs like python , django rails etc.

So yeah I would wait a few years , and see what happens when the hype dies down.

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Thanks for this thought-provoking and informative article.

I love how you point out that all developer jobs will change—not just junior developers jobs.

Another reason for optimism for junior developers is that AI tools should start helping them pick up skills much faster.

I’m still not clear where things land but the changes will be seismic.

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Great post Forest!

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Thank you for sharing this. It has encouraged me.

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